
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Einsteins Riddle

  Hello again!
 T'is raining in my humble town, hopefully this storm passes soon, I heard some thunder, so probably not. All I see when I look out of the window is grey clouds and rain. Also trees and grass, And my shed. Yeah. Any who, I think I'm going to deduce the meaning of another picture. It'll be off my inner geek board. Give me a few minutes to find one. *Spongebob "5 Minutes Later" voice* 5 minutes later. OK, I found one! Here you go!

Yeah. I promised myself I'd figure this out, so here goes nothin'. It's a logic puzzle, clearly, so the main question is: Who owns the fish? There are 5 houses, in 5 different colors. In each house lives a person from different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain beverage and smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. None own the same pet, smoke the same brand, or drink the same beverage.
  1. The Brit lives in the red house.
  2. The Swede owns the dog
  3. The Dane drinks tea
  4. The green house is to the left of the white house
  5. The green homeowner drinks coffee
  6. The one who smokes Pall Mall rears birds
  7. The yellow homeowner smokes Dunhill
  8. The man living in the center house drinks milk
  9. The Norwegian lives in the first house
  10. The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats
  11. The one who keeps horses lives next to the one who smokes Dunhill
  12. The man who smokes Bluemaster drinks beer
  13. The German smokes prince
  14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house
  15. The man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water.
 Okay. So, I'm gonna upload a pic of my finished work on paper. Here it is:

(Sorry for my crap handwriting) The answer I got was: the German owns the fish. It took me a total of ten minutes with a pen and paper. Go me! So yeah, I'll post later, but I'm gonna eat dinner and watch some Supernatural or Sherlock or something!
♥ laterz ♥
~ Emma

Sherlock Stuff

Hola, viewers of this blog!
So, I'm back from track camp, day two!! It was actually really fun, we did hurdles, high jump, turbo jav (javelin) and discus. I really liked hurdles, but high jump was the best. I went on pinterest again, I think I might have a problem, but I went back on my Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, oh my! board and I found this glorious little image:
photo credit here
Now, I went a little lower on the board, and I found this:

photo credit here
THERE IS A RELEASE DATE!!!! AND AN EPISODE NAME!! Awesome, right? The only bad part to it is that school starts two or three days before that, so I'll have to record it. Oh well. I'm too happy to care!! Anyways, this post wasn't all that exciting, so I'll be posting at least two better ones later. 
♥ laterz 
~ Emma

Monday, June 24, 2013

Superwholock house deduction.

Hola Mishamigos! 
 Hi!! I'm back from day one of track camp, so I decided to go on my Pinterest after I showered, and I went here because why wouldn't I go on my board that is dedicated to Superwholock?! Anyways, as I scrolled through, I found this:
photo credit here
Isn't it perfect??? I love it, because it's spot on! (Plus, I get some of my fave characters in my house, Hufflepuff!) As I deduced some of the meaning behind the photo (Sherlock would be proud), I realized just how right this is, in every way!
 Gryffindor: Dean, Amy and John.
 Dean was brave enough to make it through hell multiple times, and purgatory, so obviously Gryffindor.
 Amy, who was brave enough to go with the mad man in a blue box, then later saving the star whale in "The Monster Below". She showed enough bravery to be Hermione Granger! Gryffindor for sure.
 John Hamish Watson, one of the bravest men you'd ever see live at Baker St. He killed a man to save his best friend, and was brave enough to even go places with a "high-functioning sociopath", whom was enemies with Jim Moriarty, a very dangerous man. He's Gryffindor, through and through.
Ravenclaw: Sam, The Doctor and Sherlock.
 Sam, always doing the research. He was smart enough to memorize a latin exorcism spell, and he was brave enough to almost die after the trials to close the gates of hell. He is Ravenclaw, definitely, but Gryffindor is in his veins, just like Dean.
 The Doctor, clever enough to figure out a way out of almost any jam. He can explain to any soon-to-be companion what the T.A.R.D.I.S really is, what happened to Gallifrey, how to spell Raxacoricfalliputorius even! Just like Sam, though, the sorting hat had a hard time deducing whether he was in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but in the end, cleverness wins over bravery.
 Sherlock, oh, he was pureblood Ravenclaw, known by birth. The sorting hat immediately yelled out Ravenclaw, no doubt! He is the smartest man you will ever meet, if you are blessed with that chance, because of this: he isn't afraid to manipulate or pretend to be someone he's not. Sure, it seems like a Slytherin move, but no, he is one-hundred-and-ten-percent Ravenclaw.
Hufflepuff: Castiel, Rory and Molly
 Ah, Castiel. He is a Hufflepuff, with a twinge of all the other houses. He rebelled, a very Slytherin move, he was brave enough to do said rebellion, Gryffindor, and he was smart enough to know not to trust his brethren, Ravenclaw. But, mainly, Cas is loyal. Like, golden retriever loyal. He also could be a puppy if he wanted to, so further proof. I say that Cas was made for Hufflepuff, but all the other houses, too. 
 Rory, a very loyal husband/companion indeed. I mean, come on, waiting 5,000 years for his wife? That's a lot of waiting to do, and he even earned the title of "The Last Centurion." Loyal is an understatement.
 Molly, loyal to Sherlock, enough that she would still love him after he embarrassed her on many, many occasions. Loyal, Hufflepuff, no doubt.
Slytherin: Gabriel, River Song, Moriarty
 Gabriel, as one of the most cunning angels, was born for Slytherin. He tricked everyone whom didn't now him as an angel into thinking he was a Trickster. He faked his own death, which we know now by the writers saying they'll bring him back, and he was just a BAMF in general.
 River Song, a cunning time traveler indeed. She let her mother and father be her friends, and their bff was her husband, and basically they just had so many time mess-ups (I forgot the word for it lol), she was so cunning in all of them. 
 Jim Moriarty, consulting criminal, the best of the worst. He was the most cunning character of all. He tricked Sherlock into meeting him when John's life was on the line, he was let free by black mailing the jury. He was the most BAMF of all. Like seriously, Oedipus got nothin' on him.
 So, in conclusion, this is perfect. Maybe I've wasted your time, and I'd be sorry if I did, but I thought this was super interesting and I wanted to share it with you.
♥ laterz 
 ~ Emma

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Grrrr. Tomorrow and till Thursday, I have track camp. That I didn't even wanna do. My mom is forcing me to do it, which irks me like nothing else!! I probably won't post until late tomorrow, but I still have to be up by 7 if I want breakfast and to shower and stuff :(. So, I guess I'll "talk" to y'all tomorrow!
♥ laterz! 
~ Emma

A Whole New Blog!

Hiya! (please read title of post to the tune of "A Whole New World". Thank you : D)
Maybe you guys remember me from Bronies Only, but this is Emma! I never went on my old blog, so I'm starting this one to make up for that! Basically, this one will be multi-fandom, so it will have:

  • Supernatural (LOTS OF IT)
  • Sherlock (LOTS)
  • Doctor Who
  • Disney (TONS AND TONS)
  • Lord of the Rings
  • The Hobbit
  • The Avengers
  • One Direction (not a ton)
  • Little Mix (same as 1D)
  • The Hunger Games
  • Divergent
  • Wicked
  • Les Misérables
  • Star Trek (reboot and series)
  • Star Wars (Clone Wars and movies)
  • Music I like
  • And much much more!
So hopefully you all like it as much as I hope you will, and I will post again tomorrow!!

 ~ Emma